The Old Ways Remain (2023)

Well, it’s been a while since the last album by Canadian occult rockers, Blood Ceremony, and the new album breaks new ground whilst keeping one foot in the past. I admit, it took me a while to appreciate the new songs because of the expectations I had from their previous releases. The Old Ways Remain (Rise Above Records) doesn’t quite have the doom-laden riffs of the early albums, nor does it dabble in the proto-prog tendencies of the last two: there is a distinct lack of mellotron or organ flourishes from Alia O’Brien, which made me sad. However, after several playbacks, I began to appreciate the pared-down sound of the new album. It has a bit more of the Folk-Rock sound they’ve toyed with in the past, with also a groovy vintage pop vibe which is appropriate for their aesthetic. The perfect example of this is the song “Eugenie”, which almost sounds like an outtake from the soundtrack to one of the exploitation films they frequently reference. Indeed, I believe it is inspired by the film Eugenie… The Story of Her Journey into Perversion (1970), which is based on Philosophy in the Bedroom (1795) by the Marquis de Sade.

The song has a great vibe, and the mid-section has a saxophone solo that sounds like something from Chris Wood, of Traffic, or even Jimmy Hastings, from Caravan. There is a version of Lolly Willows, which the band had released earlier as a single, but this version appears to be a different mix, and there is a spookier atmosphere about it that I think works really well. The song “Widdershins” has a great riff and creates a hypnotic vibe in the chorus.

As usual, the arrangements adhere to a vintage sound, but the band are beginning to sound less like the sum of their influences, as they forge a sound unique to themselves. I do miss the Sabbath-inspired doom riffs of the first two albums, and the proto-prog arrangements of The Eldritch Dark, but I am ready to follow Blood Ceremony wherever they go because no matter what it will be topically interesting and always enjoyable.

Album cover for “The Old Ways Remain” by Blood Ceremony. (2024 Rise Above Records)

Blood Ceremony (L to R) Michael Carillo: rums, congas, percussion; Alia O’Brien: vocals, flute, synth, electric piano, organ; Sean Kennedy: guitar, backing Vocals; Lucas Gadke: bass

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