“H. P. L.: R. I. P.” selected for inclusion in Lovecraft poetry tribute

Posted in August Derleth, Clark Ashton Smith, For the Outsider (anthology), Frank Belknap Long, H.P. Lovecraft, Hippocampus Press, Leigh Blackmore, Maxwell Gold, S.T. Joshi, Samuel Loveman, Scott J. Couturier, Weird Poetry with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 1, 2022 by Manuel Paul Arenas

I recently received word from S. T. Joshi that he selected my poem H. P. L.: R. I. P. for inclusion in an upcoming anthology from Hippocampus Press entitled For the Outsider: Poems About H. P. Lovecraft, which is slated for publication in 2023. Spanning from as early as 1918 to the present day, this anthology shall contain poems about Lovecraft and his work by various genre writers ranging from Lovecraft associates like Frank Belknap Long, Samuel Loveman, Clark Ashton Smith, August Derleth, & al. to contemporary authors like Leigh Blackmore, Manuel Perez-Campos and your truly. When I announced my acceptance on Facebook, a few of my colleagues inquired about it and were given the okay to contribute from Joshi. As far as I know, it may also include poems from Maxwell Ian Gold and my dear friend Scott J. Couturier. I will keep you all updated as things develop.

Spectral Realms #17 now available!

Posted in Dan Sauer, Hippocampus Press, Hybrid Sequence Media, Scott J. Couturier, Spectral Realms, Updates, Weird Poetry with tags , , , , , , , on July 14, 2022 by Manuel Paul Arenas

I just got word that Spectral Reams #17 is now available for purchase at Hippocampus Press. This issue features a revised version of the old Dark Young lyric, “Flower of Evil”, as well as the prose tale, “Blackburn’s Bloom”. Here is the official blurb and cover art from Hippocampus Press:

“This issue of Spectral Realms is dedicated to the late Richard L. Tierney (1936–2022), one of the pioneering weird poets of our time. Included is an unpublished poem by Tierney and poetic tributes to him by Leigh Blackmore and Charles Lovecraft.

As always, the issue contains scintillating work by some of the leading weird versifiers of the present day, including Wade German, Frank Coffman, Ian Futter, and Scott J. Couturier. John Shirley, Darrell Schweitzer, Don Webb, and Geoffrey Reiter demonstrate that they are masters of terror in poetry as well as in prose fiction. Lori I. Lopez explores the strangeness of cats in “La Gata,” while LindaAnn LoSchiavo tells of the grim fate of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s wife. David Barker and Ngo Binh Anh Khoa write evocative poetry in the Lovecraftian mode, and Josh Maybrook contributes an acrostic sonnet on Poe. Adam Bolivar continues his work in Anglo-Saxon meter, while Carl E. Reed sends in a “ghoulish tale” in verse. Prose poems by Maxwell I. Gold and Manuel Arenas* also enliven the issue.

Among the classic reprints is a poem, “Vampire,” by Bertrande Harry Snell, from a 1929 issue of Weird Tales, as well as a poem by veteran fantasy poet Lilith Lorraine. Marcos Legaria contributes an essay on R. H. Barlow’s early poetry.”

*bold print emphasis by yours truly.

Cover art for Spectral Realms #17 by Dan Sauer.


Of course, there are also poems and prose and reviews by many other talented writers, many much more accomplished than myself. For instance, I am personally familiar with the poem Nachzehrer, by Scott J. Couturier, and it is a marvel of charnel versification. And that’s just one of the many talented poets featured in this issue.

By the way, Mr. Couturier has just put out his first collection of weird stories, The Box, which is now available from Hybrid Sequence Media. It can also be found on Amazon. I wrote the introduction for it and can attest that it is an excellent collection that is bound to rattle some cages.

And last, but not least, poet Adam Bolivar has just released a new collection of his weird ballads through Hippocampus Press entitled Ballads for the Witching Hour.


Cover art by Dan Sauer for “Ballads for the witching Hour, by Adam Bolivar (2022, Hippocampus Press).

Update 06/29/2022: Night Time Logic

Posted in Blood Mountain, Book of Shadows, Brenda Tolian, Clark Ashton Smith, Daniel Braum, Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, Hybrid Sequence Media, Magic Lantern, Night Time Logic, Scott J. Couturier, The Box (2022), Updates, Zwartenberg the Necromancer with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 29, 2022 by Manuel Paul Arenas

I apologize for the long silence, but I do have some things to share with you. Last Thursday, I participated in an online program entitled Night Time Logic, which is hosted by Daniel Braum. The episode I participated in consisted of a brief interview bookended by two readings from my Book of Shadows. I chose to read “Morbidezza” first, then wrapped things up with “Gothilocks”. I had a lot of fun, although I did trip up a couple times during the reading and I also had a couple of embarrassing gaffes during the interview portion. The two major instances being when I drew a blank at what should have been a very simple answer to an obvious question. I also, misspoke when talking about Clark Ashton Smith. I said he was a better poet than Poe ever was. That is debatable, but what I meant to say was he was a better poet than Lovecraft ever was.

The other guest was author Brenda Tolian, who was promoting her book Blood Mountain. The interview is still up on YouTube and can be accessed here:

YouTube link for the Night Time Logic episode featuring Brenda Tolian and yours truly.

Also noteworthy, I am almost ready to submit the manuscript for my sophomore collection, Magic Lantern for consideration. I am waiting on an introduction from fellow Weird author Scott J. Couturier, then I shall submit it. Speaking of Mr. Couturier, he has just released his first collection of eldritch tales entitled The Box, which I wrote an introduction for. It can be obtained through Amazon or from the publisher, Hybrid Sequence Media.

The Box

I also am working on putting together a chapbook of my Southwestern Gothic Tale, “The Burning Ember Mission of Helldorado”, which shall include the prose poem “Zwartenberg the Necromancer”, which is part of an unfinished (at the time of writing) sequel. I have engaged a friend to give a shot at the illustrations but I do not wish to jinx it by giving any details, as I have already had to switch gears with this project.

Update 04/06/2022: Release date and cover art for Gargoylicon

Posted in Frank Coffman, Gargoyle, Gargoylicon, Mind's Eye Publications with tags , , , on April 6, 2022 by Manuel Paul Arenas

I noticed on Facebook today that Mind’s Eye Publications have released the cover art for the Gargoylicon, which apparently is due to be available on April 30th. My prose poem “Gargoyle” makes an appearance in here as well as poetry and artwork by many of my colleagues.

Update 05/03/2022: it is now orderable on Lulu.com and soon it shall be available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.com.

Rebecca Buchanan’s “Asphalt Gods”

Posted in Asphalt Gods, book review, Jackanapes Press, Rebecca Buchanan with tags , , , on April 5, 2022 by Manuel Paul Arenas

Just finished reading Rebecca Buchanan‘s short story collection, Asphalt Gods, and am sad to leave the myriad realms of her expertly crafted tales. Each one has it’s own distinct flavor: there are stories of ancient gods, mythical creatures, and magical things unfolding in the ancient past, contemporary times, and even the far future. These are Fairy Tales, Horror stories and Science Fiction, all told in a smart but accessible style. There is a slant toward paganism and progressive social ideas but it’s not heavy handed and shouldn’t bother a reasonable reader, even if they don’t share her views on the subject. In fine, it is a highly entertaining read and I recommend it without reservation and I cannot wait to read her upcoming collection from Jackanapes Press, Not a Princess, but (Yes) there was a Pea & Other Fairy Tales to Foment Revolution. Oh, and I do think the title story would make a great TV series 😉

Asphalt Gods by Rebecca Buchanan (2021, Asphodel Press)

Prose Poem accepted for Spectral Realms #17

Posted in S.T. Joshi, Spectral Realms, Updates with tags , , on April 4, 2022 by Manuel Paul Arenas

I received word this morning from S. T. Joshi that he has accepted my prose poem “Blackburn’s Bloom”, which he deemed a “powerful piece of work”, for Spectral Realms #17. There it will join my poem “Flower of Evil”.

Update 3/25/2022: Sand Canyon Review defunct

Posted in In My Time of Dying, Sand Canyon Review, Updates with tags , , on March 25, 2022 by Manuel Paul Arenas

I just received word that the Sand Canyon Review is defunct and my essay In My Time of Dying will not see publication in their pages. I had a suspicion something was up with it as no issue ever appeared and I couldn’t find any online information about it. That just frees it up to be submitted elsewhere.

Update 03/24/2022: Magic Lantern

Posted in Book of Shadows, Dan Sauer, Jackanapes Press, Magic Lantern, Scott J. Couturier, Updates with tags , , , , , on March 24, 2022 by Manuel Paul Arenas

I have begun assembling a manuscript for my proximate collection of poetry & prose which I plan to call Magic Lantern. I am modeling it after my Book of Shadows, and have most of the parts in place. I have requested another introduction from my dear friend Scott J. Couturier, and he has agreed to comply. I don’t have a publisher yet, although I would love to have it come out under the Jackanapes Press banner. That said, I don’t know if the lone man behind the company, graphic designer/illustrator Dan Sauer, will have room for it on his schedule in 2022. Still, I shall give him first dibs as he was such a pleasure to work with on Book of Shadows and continues to be accommodative and supportive.

I have come up with a plan for a Halloween event to promote it, or at least drum up support for its publication. For the show I was thinking of creating a macabre slide show to be projected on a screen behind me as I read the pieces, harking back to the magic lantern phantasmagoria shows of yore. I may use images from the Book of Shadows for anything I might read from it and perhaps some found images for the rest. I am also considering talking to an artist friend about creating original images for the show and possibly the book, if Mr. Sauer is unavailable.

Robert’s phantasmagoria at the Cour des Capucines in 1797 (image from Wikipedia).

Update 02/28/2022: Finally, a new story!

Posted in Blackburn's Bloom, Hell-Flower, Penumbra (Journal), Scott J. Couturier, Spectral Realms, Undertow Publications, Updates, Weird Fiction, Weird Horror Magazine with tags , , , , , , , , on February 28, 2022 by Manuel Paul Arenas

I had been experiencing a bit of a dry spell creatively for the last few weeks and I finally had a breakthrough using some ideas salvaged from various unfinished projects. It is a vignette, coming in at around 620 words, give or take, and it treats of the origin of my Hell-flower. Once I got a decent first draft I sent it to my dear friend Scott Couturier for a beta read and he saw something which I had not originally intended, but that seemed a logical assumption, so I have rewritten a few passages to confirm this conclusion and tied up a loose end concerning a secondary character. He also suggested the title “Blackburn’s Bloom”, which I fully endorse. Now I need to prepare an official draft so I may shop it around to various publications. Since it is a story, rather than a prose poem, it won’t go to Spectral Realms and I already have two pieces set for Penumbra #3, so I will have to take it elsewhere for a change.

Update 03/07/2022:

I submitted it today to Weird Horror magazine from Undertow Publications. I received an email acknowledging receipt, and now await their response.

Update 03/15/2022:

Today I got a rejection from Weird Horror. I was very disappointed, but I appreciate the prompt response. I got some editorial suggestions from my colleague Scott Couturier not long after I submitted the story to Weird Horror. I doubt it would have changed the outcome, but they could be helpful for future submissions.

Update 02/24/2022: Interview with PGTTCM

Posted in Book of Shadows, Clark Ashton Smith, D. B. Spitzer, David Heath, Edgar Allan Poe, Gargoyle, Gargoylicon, H.P. Lovecraft, Hippocampus Press, Jackanapes Press, Mind's Eye Publications, Penumbra (Journal), People's Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos, Robert Bloch, Spectral Realms with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on February 24, 2022 by Manuel Paul Arenas

Tuesday evening I was interviewed by David Heath for an episode of the podcast People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos, which Mr. Heath cohosts with D. B. Spitzer. It was my first audio interview, so I was a bit nervous and ended up just talking out of my arse most of the time, but it was fun and I would do it again in a heartbeat.


On another note, I also received a contract this morning from Mind’s Eye Publications for my submission for the Gargoylicon. It is official now and I will keep you all posted on any updates regarding release dates.