Archive for the The Day the Crayons Came Home Category

Story-time 08-23-15

Posted in children's picture books, Drew Daywalt, Harper Collins Publishers, Oliver Jeffers, story-time, The Day the Crayons Came Home, The Day the Crayons Quit with tags , , , , , , on September 7, 2015 by Manuel Paul Arenas

The Sunday before last I had the pleasure of being able to host the children’s story-time hour at the bookstore where I work. This was not the first time I had done this, but it was the more successful of the two sessions I have hosted. Previously, I read to two staff members, since no children showed up, but this time there was a small crowd, which fluctuated during the allotted hour.

Although some of you might think me an odd choice for a host of a children’s event, I had requested to be there, since I felt so strongly about the featured books, both by author Drew Daywalt. The books in question are “The Day the Crayons Quit”, and “The Day the Crayons Came Home”; cute, imaginative and fun stories, which teach responsibility, without being heavy handed. What first drew my attention to the books were the charming illustrations by artist Oliver Jeffers; once I picked it up though, I found the story to be just as delightful.  I love these books and thought they were  clever and original, and a good step or two above the usual twaddle the kids are usually fed at these events.

“The Day the Crayons Quit” (Harper Collins, 2013).

When the first book came out I asked to host the Story-time but no kids showed up. When the sequel arrived, however, there was a little more hoopla about it since the success of the first book, so it drew a small crowd. The kids were excited and were familiar with the original book as well as the new one. They asked me questions, made comments throughout the course of the reading, and participated in the book related activities (coloring pages, connect the dot puzzles, etc). I opened the hour with the new book, then read the original, followed by a reprise of the new book. When the crowd had thinned out a bit, I traded reading duties with a boy from one of our regular customer’s family. I would read a page, then he would read the next. My colleague, Maureen, who took the photos of the event, even joined in for a bit as well.

“The Day the Crayons Came Home” (Harper Collins, 2015).

I had a great time and the kids did too. Their parents seemed pleased at seeing their children interacting with me and enjoying the books, but little did they know that only a few nights prior, their host was regaling quite a different audience with tales of Cosmic Horror  and apocalyptic doom at the H.P. Lovecraft Birthday Party.

For more information on the books, including a brief synopsis of their respective plots, click on this link to the author’s page on the Harper Collins website:

Here are a selection of photos from the event. I have only posted photos of me out of respect for the privacy of the families who attended the event.

Me, holding the new book up for all to see.

Me, holding the new book up for all to see.

Showing the kids an illustration.

Showing the kids an illustration.



The glow-in-the-dark page!

The glow-in-the-dark page!